Note: This will work only for JSF page NOT for JSPX page.
- Create a Tag Library
- In ViewController project > Right Click > New > JSF/Facelets > Facelets Tag Library.
- In the Create Facelets Tag Library wizard - Step1 > Select Project based >
- Step 2 > Enter File name as adfglitz.taglib.xml and NameSpace as and Finsh.
- An entry will be created in the web.xml file.
- Make sure to check whether facelet library has been added to the project by going to project properties > Facelets Tag Libraries
2. Create placeholder/Watermark Tag in the Tag Library
- Add a new Tag name - setWatermarkBehaviour
- Select the behavior radio button and enter Id - oracle.demo.adfglitz.watermark
- Add a new attribute - value
- value attribute type will be java.lang.String and Required will be True
3. Create a Java Class
- Create a Java class named - SetWatermarkBehavior
- Code can be copy pasted from
- Create a JavaScript class named - addWatermarkBehavior.js
- Code:
function addWatermarkBehavior(componentId, type, text){
var sourceInput = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent(componentId);
var domElemement = AdfAgent.AGENT.getElementById(sourceInput.getClientId());
var targetArray = domElemement.getElementsByTagName(type);
targetArray[0].placeholder = text;
5. Create a JSF page (Tried with JSPX but did not work)
- NameSpace - xmlns:afg="" is added to the view.
- Javascript addWatermarkBehavior.js is referenced inside the document tag.
- The placeholder component <afg:setWatermarkBehaviour value="Please enter your first name here"/> is added inside the inputText component.
6. Done. Run your page and Test the Result
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